Publications du programme de recherche Aménagement intégré cerfs-forêt à l'île d'Anticosti 2019-2023
Brault, B., J.-P. Tremblay, N. Thiffault, A. A. Royo et S. D. Côté. 2023. Successful forest restoration using plantation at high deer density: how neighbouring vegetation drives browsing pressure and tree growth. Forest Ecology and Management, 549: 121458. [Article]
Brault, B., J. H. Richard, N. Thiffault, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2023. Synthèse des travaux de recherche sur l’aménagement intégré faune-forêt à l’île d’Anticosti dans un contexte de surabondance du cerf de Virginie (Odocoileus virginianus). Le Naturaliste canadien, 147: 94–105. [Article]
Baribeau, A., J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. Habitat use by white-tailed deer after more than a decade of exclusion in the boreal forest. Wildlife Biology: e01049. [Article]
Champagne, E., P. Raymond, A. A. Royo, J. D. M. Speed, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. A review of ungulate impacts on the success of climate-adapted forest management strategies. 2021. Current Forestry Reports 7: 305–320. [Article]
Publications de la Chaire de recherche industrielle CRSNG en aménagement intégré des ressources de l'île d'Anticosti 2001-2016
(Note : les noms des auteurs associés à la Chaire sont en caractères gras)
Jamieson, A., S. J. Anderson, J. Fuller, S. D. Côté, J. M. Northrup et A. B. Shafer. 2020. Heritability estimates of antler and body traits in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from genomic-relatedness matrices. Journal of Heridity 111: 429-435. [Article]
Champagne, E., B. D. Moore, S. D. Côté et J.-P. Tremblay. 2020. Intraspecific variation in nutritional traits of neighbouring plants generates a continuum of associational effects. Journal of Vegetation Science 31: 920-933. [Article]
Houde, N., J.-P. Tremblay, N. Thiffault et S. D. Côté. 2020. Manipulating forage and risk avoidance to increase white-tailed deer vulnerability to hunters. Wildlife Biology: wlb.00554. [PDF article]
Ayotte, P., M. Le Corre et S. D. Côté. 2020. Synergistic population density and environmental effects on deer body condition. Journal of Wildlife Management 84: 938-947. [Article]
Fuller, J., A.-L. Ferchaud, M. Laporte, J. Le Luyer, T. B. Davis, S. D. Côté et L. Bernatchez. 2020. Absence of founder effect and evidence for adaptive divergence in a recently introduced insular population of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Molecular Ecology 29: 86-104. [Article]
Ayotte, P., M.-A. Simard et S. D. Côté. 2019. Reproductive plasticity of female white-tailed deer at high density and under harsh climatic conditions. Oecologia 189: 661-673. [Article]
Champagne, E., A. Dumont, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2018. Forage diversity, type and abundance influence winter resource selection by white-tailed deer. Journal of Vegetation Science 29: 619-628. [Article]
Courchesne, M., S. Pellerin, M. Bachand, S. D. Côté et M. Poulin. 2018. Chronic deer browsing leads to biotic homogenization of productive peatlands. Botany 96: 499-509. [Article]
Champagne E., B. D. Moore, S. D. Côté et J.-P. Tremblay. 2018. Spatial correlations between browsing on balsam fir by white-tailed deer and nutritional value of neighbouring winter forage. Ecology and Evolution 8: 2812-2823. [PDF article]
Champagne, E., L. Perroud, A. Dumont, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2018. Neighbouring plants and perception of predation risk modulate winter browsing by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 96: 117-125. [Article]
Brousseau, M., N. Thiffault, J. Beguin, V. Roy et J.-P. Tremblay. 2017. Deer browsing outweighs the effects of site preparation and mechanical release on balsam fir seedlings performance: Implications to forest management. Forest Ecology and Management 405: 360-366. [Article]
Barrette, M., L. Bélanger, L De Grandpré et A. A. Royo. 2017. Demographic disequilibrium caused by canopy gap expansion and recruitment failure triggers forest cover loss. Forest Ecology and Management 401: 117-124. [Article]
Courchesne, M., S. Pellerin, M. Bachand, S. D. Côté et M. Poulin. 2017. La flore des tourbières de l’île d’Anticosti lorsque soustraite au broutement par le cerf de Virginie. Le Naturaliste Canadien 141: 6-15. [PDF article]
Jean, P.-O., R. L. Bradley, R. Berthiaume et J.-P. Tremblay. 2016. Evaluating old and novel proxies for in vitro digestion assays in wild ruminants. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40: 359-367. [Article]
Beguin, J., J.-P. Tremblay, N. Thiffault, D. Pothier et S. D. Côté. 2016. Management of forest regeneration in boreal and temperate deer-forest systems: challenges, guidelines and research gaps. Ecosphere 7: e01488. [PDF article]
Drolet, A., C. Dussault et S. D. Côté. 2016. Simulated drilling noise affects the space use of a large terrestrial mammal. Wildlife Biology 22: 284-293. [PDF article]
Giroux, M.-A., C. Dussault, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2016. Winter severity modulates the benefits of using a habitat temporally uncoupled from browsing. Ecosphere 7:e01432. [PDF article]
Bonin, M., J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2016. Contributions of digestive plasticity to the ability of white-tailed deer to cope with a low-quality diet. Journal of Mammalogy 97: 1406-1413. [PDF article]
Champagne, E., J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2016. Spatial extent of neighboring plants influences the strength of associational effects on mammal herbivory. Ecosphere 7: e01371. [PDF article]
Giroux, M.-A., É. Valiquette, J.-P. Tremblay et S.D. Côté. 2015. Isotopic differences between forage consumed by a large herbivore in open, closed, and coastal habitats: New evidence from a boreal study system. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0142781. [PDF article]
Jean, P.-O., R. L. Bradley et J.-P. Tremblay. 2015. Testing for bottom-up effects in an overbrowsed boreal landscape. Wildlife Biology 21:318-322. [PDF article]
Bachand, M., S. Pellerin, J.-P. Tremblay, S.D. Côté et M. Poulin. 2015. Compositional and functional trajectories of herbaceous communities after deer density control in clear-cut boreal forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45: 758-763. [PDF article]
Jean, P.-O., R. L. Bradley, J.-P. Tremblay et S.D. Côté. 2015. Combining near infrared spectra of feces and geostatistics to generate forage nutritional quality map across landscapes. Ecological Applications 25:1630-1639. [Article]
Bachand, M., S. Pellerin, M. Moretti, I. Aubin, J.-P. Tremblay, S.D. Côté et M. Poulin. 2014. Functional responses and relisience of boreal forest ecosystem after reduction of deer density. Plos One 9: e90437. [PDF article]
Bachand, M., S. Pellerin, S.D. Côté, M. Moretti, M. De Cáceres, P.-M. Brousseau, C. Cloutier, C. Hébert, É. Cardinal, J.-L. Martin et M. Poulin. 2014. Species indicators of ecosystem recovery after reducing large herbivore density: comparing taxa and testing species combinations. Ecological Indicators 38: 12-19. [Article]
Barrette, M., L. Bélanger, L. De Grandpré et J.-C. Ruel. 2014. Cumulative effects of chronic deer browsing and clear-cutting on regeneration processes in second-growth white spruce stands. Forest Ecology and Management 329: 69-78. [Article]
Côté, S.D., J. Beguin, S. de Bellefeuille, E. Champagne, N. Thiffault et J.-P. Tremblay. 2014. Structuring effects of deer in boreal forest ecosystems. Advances in Ecology: ID 917834. [PDF article]
Darmon, G., B. Hidding, S. de Bellefeuille, J.-P. Tremblay et S.D. Côté. 2014. A generalist rodent benefits from logging regardless of deer density. Écoscience 20: 319-327. [PDF article]
Giroux, M.-A., J.-P. Tremblay, M.-A. Simard, N. G. Yoccoz et S.D. Côté. 2014. Forage-mediated density and climate effects on body mass in a temperate herbivore: a mechanistic approach. Ecology 95: 1332-1340. [Article]
Jean, P.-O., R. L. Bradley, M.-A. Giroux, J.-P. Tremblay et S.D. Côté. 2014. Near infrared spectroscopy and fecal chemistry as predictors of the diet composition of white-tailed deer. Rangeland Ecology & Management 67: 154-159. [Article]
Simard, M.-A., J. Huot, S. de Bellefeuille et S.D. Côté. 2014. Influences of habitat composition, plant phenology, and population density on autumn indices of body condition in a northern white-tailed deer population. Wildlife Monographs 187: 1-28. [Article]
Simard, M.-A., J. Huot, S. de Bellefeuille et S.D. Côté. 2014. Linking conception and weaning success with environmental variation and female body condition in a northern ungulate. Journal of Mammalogy 95: 311-327. [PDF article]
Brousseau, P.-M., C. Hébert, C. Cloutier et S. D. Côté. 2013. Short-term effects of reduced white-tailed deer density on insect communities in a strongly over browsed boreal forest ecosystem. Biodiversity and Conservation 22: 77-92. [Article]
Faure-Lacroix, J., J.-P. Tremblay, N. Thiffault et V. Roy. 2013. Stock type performance in addressing top-down and bottom-up factors for the restoration of indigenous trees. Forest Ecology and Management 307: 333-340. [Article]
Hidding, B., J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2013. A large herbivore triggers alternative successional trajectories in the boreal forest. Ecology 94: 2852-2860. [Article]
Massé, A. et S. D. Côté. 2013. Spatiotemporal variations in resources affect activity and movement patterns of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) at high density. Canadian Journal of Zoology 91: 252-263. [Article]
Simard, M-A., C. Dussault, J. Huot et S. D. Côté. 2013. Is hunting an effective tool to manage overabundant deer? A test using an experimental approach. Journal of Wildlife Management 77: 254-269. [Article]
Cardinal, E., J.-L. Martin, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2012. An experimental study of how variation in deer density affects vegetation and songbird assemblages of recently harvested boreal forests. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90: 704-713. [Article]
Cardinal, E., J.-L. Martin et S. D. Côté. 2012. Large herbivore effects on songbirds in boreal forests: lessons from deer introduction on Anticosti Island. Ecoscience. 19: 38-47. [PDF article]
Giroux, M.-A., C. Dussault, N. Lecomte, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2012. A new way of assessing foraging behaviour at the individual level using faeces marking and satellite telemetry. PlosOne 7: e49719. [PDF article]
Hidding, B., J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2012. Survival and growth of balsam fir seedlings and saplings under multiple controlled ungulate densities. Forest Ecology and Management 276: 96-103. [Article]
Lebel, F., C. Dussault, A. Massé et S. D. Côté. 2012. Influence of habitat features and hunter behaviour on white-tailed deer harvest. Journal of Wildlife Management 76: 1431-1440. [Article]
Massé, A. et S. D. Côté. 2012. Linking habitat heterogeneity to space use by large herbivores at multiple scales: from habitat mosaics to forest canopy openings. Forest Ecology and Management 285: 67-76. [Article]
Massé, A. et S. D. Côté. 2012. Linking alternative food sources to winter habitat selection of herbivores in overbrowsed landscapes. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:544-556. [Article]
Simard, M.-A., S. D. Côté, A. Gingras et T. Coulson. 2012. Tests of density dependence using indices of relative abundance in a deer population. Oikos 121: 1351-1363. [Article]
Beguin, J., D. Pothier et S. D. Côté. 2011. Deer browsing and soil disturbance induce cascading effects on plant communities: a multilevel path analysis. Ecological Applications 21: 439-451. [Article]
Coulombe, M.-L., J. Huot, A. Massé et S.D. Côté. 2011. Influence of forage biomass and cover on deer space use at a fine-scale: a controlled-density experiment. Ecoscience: 262-272. [PDF article]
Dufresne, M., R.L. Bradley, J.-P. Tremblay et S. D. Côté. 2011. Evidence that soil depth and clay content control the post-disturbance regeneration of balsam fir and paper birch under heavy browsing from deer. Ecoscience 18: 363-368. [PDF article]
Barrette, M., L. Bélanger et L. DeGrandpré. 2010. Preindustrial reconstruction of a perhumid mid-boreal landscape, Anticosti Island, Quebec. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40: 928-942. [Article]
Simard, M.-A., T. Coulson, A. Gingras et S. D. Côté. 2010. Influence of density and climate on the population dynamics of a large herbivore under harsh environmental conditions. Journal of Wildlife Management 74: 1671–1685. [Article]
Beguin, J., M. Prévost, D. Pothier et S. D. Côté. 2009. Establishment of natural regeneration under severe browsing pressure from white-tailed deer after group seed-tree cutting with scarification on Anticosti Island. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39: 596-605. [Article]
Beguin, J., D. Pothier et M. Prévost. 2009. Can the impact of deer browsing on tree regeneration be mitigated by shelterwood cutting and strip clearcutting? Forest Ecology and Management 257: 38-45. [Article]
Dufresne, M., Bradley, R. L., Tremblay, J.-P., Poulin, M. et Pellerin, S. 2009. Clearcutting and deer browsing intensity interact in controlling nitrification rates in forest floor. Écoscience 16: 361-368. [PDF article]
Massé, A. et S. D. Côté. 2009. Habitat selection of a large herbivore at high density and without predation: trade-off between forage and cover? Journal of Mammalogy 90: 961-970. [PDF article]
Morissette, È.-M., C. Lavoie et J. Huot. 2009. Fairy slipper (Calypso bulbosa) on Anticosti Island: the occurrence of a rare plant in an environment strongly modified by white-tailed deer. Botany 87: 1223-1231. [PDF article]
Casabon, C. et D. Pothier. 2008. Impact of deer browsing on plant communities in cutover sites on Anticosti Island. Écoscience 15: 389-397. [PDF article]
Côté, S. D., C. Dussault, J. Huot, F. Potvin, J.-P. Tremblay et V. Viera. 2008. High herbivore density and boreal forest ecology: white-tailed deer on Anticosti Island. Pp. 154- 161 in Gaston A. J., Golumbia T. E., Martin J. L. et Sharpe S. T. (éds.). Lessons from the Islands: introduced species and what they tell us about how ecosystems work. Proceedings from the Research Group on Introduced Species 2002 Symposium, Queen Charlotte City, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa.
Coulombe, M.-L., S. D. Côté et J. Huot. 2008. Experimental influence of population density and vegetation biomass on the movements and activity budget of a large herbivore. Behaviour 145: 1167-1194. [PDF article]
Simard, A., S. D. Côté , R. B. Weladji et J. Huot. 2008. Feedback effects of chronic browsing on life-history traits of a large herbivore. Journal of Animal Ecology 77: 678-686. [Article]
Taillon, J. et S. D. Côté. 2008. Are fecal hormone levels linked to winter progression, diet quality, and social rank in young ungulates? An experiment with white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawns. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62: 1591-1600. [Article]
Casabon, C. et D. Pothier. 2007. Browsing of tree regeneration by white-tailed deer in large clearcuts on Anticosti Island, Quebec. Forest Ecology and Management 253: 112–119. [Article]
Lefort, S., J.-P. Tremblay, F. Fournier, F. Potvin et J. Huot. 2007. Importance of balsam fir as winter forage for white-tailed deer at the northeastern limit of their distribution range. Écoscience 14: 109-116. [Article]
Pettorelli, N., S. D. Côté, A. Gingras, F. Potvin et J. Huot. 2007. Aerial surveys vs hunting statistics to monitor deer density: the example of Anticosti Island, Québec, Canada. Wildlife Biology 13: 321-327. [PDF article]
Sauvé D. G. et S. D. Côté. 2007. Winter forage selection in white-tailed deer at high density: Balsam fir is the best of a bad choice. Journal of Wildlife Management 71: 911-914. [PDF article]
Simard, A., S. D. Côté, R. B. Weladji, S. de Bellefeuille et J. Huot. 2007. Un siècle de broutement intensif sur l'île d'Anticosti: les cerfs d'aujourd'hui en payent-ils le prix? Le Naturaliste canadien 131: 33-37. [PDF article]
Taillon, J. et S. D. Côté. 2007. Social rank and winter forage quality affect aggressiveness in white-tailed deer fawns. Animal Behaviour 74: 265-275. [PDF article]
Taillon, J., D. G. Sauvé et S. D. Côté. 2007. Effets d'un régime alimentaire hivernal de mauvaise qualité sur la condition corporelle, la survie et le comportement d'approvisionnement du cerf de Virginie de l'île d'Anticosti. Le Naturaliste canadien 131: 38-43. [PDF article]
Tremblay, J.-P., J. Huot, F. Potvin et S. D. Côté. 2007. Relations entre l'abondance du cerf de Virginie et la dynamique de régénération des forêts de l'île d'Anticosti. Le Naturaliste canadien 131: 26-32. [PDF article]
Tremblay, J.-P., J. Huot et F. Potvin. 2007. Density-related effects of deer browsing on the regeneration dynamics of boreal forests. Journal of Applied Ecology 44: 552-562. [Article]
Côté, S. D. et S. de Bellefeuille. 2006. Disparition de la population d'ours noirs de l'île d'Anticosti: le cerf de Virginie serait-il coupable? Le Naturaliste canadien 130 : 51-55. [PDF article]
Coulombe, M.-L., A. Massé et S. D. Côté. 2006. Quantification and accuracy of activity data measured with VHF and GPS telemetry. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34 : 81-92. [PDF article]
Pellerin, S., J. Huot et S. D. Côté. 2006. Long term effects of deer browsing and trampling on the vegetation of peatlands. Biological Conservation 128 : 316-326. [PDF article]
Sauvé D. G. et S. D. Côté. 2006. Is winter diet quality related to body condition of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)? An experiment using urine profiles. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84 :1003-1010. [PDF article]
Taillon J. et S. D. Côté. 2006. The role of previous social encounters and body mass in determining social rank: an experiment with white-tailed deer. Animal Behaviour 72: 1103-1110. [Article]
Taillon J., D. G. Sauvé et S. D. Côté. 2006. The effects of decreasing winter diet quality on foraging behavior and life-history traits of white-tailed deer fawns. Journal of Wildlife Management 70: 1445-1454. [Article]
Tremblay, J.-P., J. Huot et F. Potvin. 2006. Divergent nonlinear responses of the boreal forest field layer along an experimental gradient of deer densities. Oecologia 150: 78-88. [Article]
Côté, S. D. 2005. Extirpation of a large black bear population by introduced white-tailed deer. Conservation Biology 19 :1668-1671. [Article]
Potvin, F. et L. Breton. 2005. From the field: Testing 2 aerial techniques on deer in fenced enclosures-visual double-counts and thermal infrared sensing. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33 : 317-325. [Article]
Tremblay, J.-P., I. Thibault, C. Dussault, J. Huot et S. D. Côté. 2005. Long-term decline in white-tailed deer browse supply: can lichens and litterfall act as alternate food sources that preclude density-dependent feedbacks? Canadian Journal of Zoology 83 : 1087-1096. [Article]
Côté, S. D., T. P. Rooney, J.-P. Tremblay, C. Dussault et D. M. Waller. 2004. Ecological impacts of deer overabundance. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 35 : 113-147. [Article]
Plante, M., K. Lowell, F. Potvin, B. Boots et M.-J. Fortin. 2004. Studying deer habitat on Anticosti Island, Québec: relating animal occurrences and forest map information. Ecological Modelling 174 : 387-399. [Article]
Potvin, F. et B. Boots. 2004. Winter habitat selection by white-tailed deer on Anticosti Island 2: relationship between deer density from an aerial survey and the proportion of balsam fir forest on vegetation maps. Canadian Journal of Zoology 82 : 671-676. [Article]
Potvin F. et S. Poirier. 2004. L'île d'Anticosti, un paradis ? L'influence du cerf de Virginie sur la végétation des sapinières. Le Naturaliste canadien 128 : 52-60. [PDF article]
Tremblay, J.-P., A. Hester, J. McLeod et J. Huot. 2004. Choice and development of decision support tools for the sustainable management of deer forest systems. Forest Ecology and Management 191 : 1-16. [Article]
Potvin, F., P. Beaupré et G. Laprise. 2003. The eradication of balsam fir stands by white-tailed deer on Anticosti Island, Québec: a 150-year process. Écoscience 10 : 487-495. [PDF article]
Potvin, F., B. Boots et A. Dempster. 2003. Comparison among three approaches to evaluate winter habitat selection by white-tailed deer on Anticosti Island using occurences from an aerial survey and forest vegetation maps. Canadian Journal of Zoology 81 : 1662-1670. [Article]